Office of Diné Y.O.U.T.H. - Chinle Agency
Young Optimists United Toward Hozho
Mission: To advocate, educate an develop resilient healthy generations of youth through partnerships to balance and live in a diverse society.
Chinle O.D.Y. Staff Contact Information
Alvin Gee, Program Supervisor III P.O. BOX 847
Elouise Wagner, Office Specialist Chinle, AZ 86503
Shawna A. Claw, Counselor Phone: (928)674-2064/2065/2066
Delta Higdon, Recreation Specialist FAX: (928)674-2067
Chantz Samuel, Recreation Coordinator
We Proudly Serve these 16 Chapters within our Central Navajo Agency
Black Mesa/Kitsili Blue Gap Chinle Forest Lake Hardrock Lukachukai Many Farms Nazlini

Pinon Low Mountain Rock Point Rough Rock Round Rock Tsaile Tselani Whippoowill

Boys & Girls of Diné Youth - Many Farms :
"To create a safe and fun gathering place to strengthen and support individual and family wellness"
* A Safe Place to Learn, Play and Grow
* Supportive Relationships with Caring Mentors
* Enriching programs, experiences and activities
Contact Information: (928)781-3600/3303
Al Tsedah, Programs & Projects Specialist
Gaylene Davis, Recreation Aide
OPERATION HOURS: 2:00pm - 7:00pm Daily
LOCATION: Many Farms Chapter Tract